FREE Community Resources

To support recovery from substance use or mental health disorders.

The links below are for FREE community based resources for substance use and mental health disorders that will help your loved one maintain recovery. Links that end with (UT) are Salt Lake City Utah resources, those ending with (U.S.) are national organization who have state or local offices.

Links that begin with Consumer-Driven Service (CDS) are programs all over the United States for people struggling with mental health conditions. CDS programs must include a significant contribution from mental health consumers in design, administration, executive leadership, service provision and/or day-to-day program decision-making. To find out more about Consumer-Driven Services mental health programs please go to

Please share other FREE community based resources that have helped your loved one maintain recovery by emailing us at Put “Resources” in the subject line.


Employment supports that enable people to choose, get, and keep jobs.  Examples include resume preparation, benefits counseling, job readiness, skills development, computer training, and job coaching. 

CDS Employment listings (U.S.)

The “Clubhouse Model” is a structured rehabilitation program focusing on developing vocational skills for those with mental health challenges.  Participants are members of the “Clubhouse” and are involved in many decisions and in day-to-day operations of the clubhouse.

Alliance House - Clubhouse (UT)

Clubhouse listings (U.S.)


Housing that is part of a more comprehensive service program. Also provide housing-related services, ranging from assistance in finding and securing housing, to providing supportive services.

First Step House (UT)

First Step House, Central City presentation PDF (UT)

Sobriety Foundation (UT)

CDS Housing listings (U.S.)


Outreach to people who are homeless can help link them with mental health services, health care, housing, and other supports where mistrust of the system often poses a barrier to successful outreach.

CDS Homeless Outreach listings (U.S.)


Goal is to reduce hospitalizations and the use of emergency services.  Some services seek to prevent people from reaching the crisis stage.  For example, “warm lines” offer a supportive voice to people who are not in crisis and for whom a hot line would be inappropriate.  Other services are designed to help people approaching or experiencing crises.  Examples include crisis response teams that have peer staff and respites, which on a voluntary basis provide a supportive environment as an alternative to hospitalization.

NAMI-UT Crisis and Support PDF (UT)

CDS Crisis Prevention/Respite listings (U.S.)


Physical and virtual drop-in centers provide a welcoming environment, as well as a wide range of activities, including support groups, recreational and social events, and linkages with support services. 

CDS Physical Drop-in Center listings (U.S.)

Virtual Drop-in Center, Unity Recovery (U.S.)


Support groups meeting on a regular basis offer opportunities for mutual aid at little cost.  Some groups follow well-established models, while others operate based solely on the input of group members. 




12 Steps AA (UT)

“12 Steps to Change” reading PDF 

Review “Why Study the 12 Steps?” , “What is a Sponsor?” , “Spirituality and the 12 Steps”, “Step 1: Honesty” and “Step 2: Hope”  sessions.       

12 Steps AA (U.S.)

Faces & Voices of Recovery (U.S.)

CDS Support Group listings (U.S.)


In Peer Support programs, your loved one can receive training in critical areas such as benefits acquisition, goal planning, and self-care.  However, unlike traditional case management services, the peer counselor’s own recovery experience is central to the relationship, through shared experience and mentorship. Some programs provide case management type services. Recognizing that friendships and social relationships are key to recovery, some programs involve Peer Companions, matching people with similar interests who spend significant amounts of time together in a supportive relationship. 


NAMI-UT Mentor Program



Center for Student Wellness, University of Utah (UT)

Collegiate Recovery listings (U.S.)

Young People in Recovery (U.S.)

Faces & Voices listings (U.S.)

CDS Peer Support listings (U.S.)

CDS Peer Companion listings (U.S.)


Trains people how to take personal responsibility for recovery through techniques and plans.  These educational programs can take the form of intensive training retreats or ongoing classes.  Often, participants have the opportunity to join ongoing support groups. 

SMART Recovery (U.S.)      

Review “About SMART Recovery”, “ABCs Tool” and “Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) Tool” sessions.

CRAFT Connect “DBT Goes to the Movies” skills training (U.S.)

CRAFT Connect “In Pursuit of Wellness” skills training (U.S.)

CRAFT Connect “Skills for a Life Worth Living” skills training (U.S.)

CDS Recovery Education listings (U.S.)    

CALM App                                                                                          


Recovery and a meaningful life in the community require opportunities for relaxation, socializing, and fun, and recreational programs help to fill this need.  Art programs can also provide opportunities for self-expression, and some programs even help people sell their artwork.

CDS Recreation/Arts listings (U.S.)


Advocacy organizations vary in focus. Some help individuals get what they need from mental health and substance use systems or providers. Others focus on creating change and shifting resources at the local level to better serve consumers and the public. Many work to counter the effects of stigma and discrimination such as NIMBYism (Not-in-My-Back-Yard) and sensationalist media coverage that reinforce negative stereotypes of people with behavioral health disorders. Still others seek to move governmental systems forward and support civil rights through legislative or policy advocacy. Many organizations and individuals do several of these.

Faces & Voices of Recovery (U.S.)


Addiction Policy Forum (U.S.)

CDS Advocacy listing (U.S.)