We Recover Together

Program Overview

A simple 3 step program of ongoing family/CSO support that helps maintain long term recovery AFTER treatment for substance use and mental health disorders.


The importance of the family/CSOs connection is a recurring recovery and wellness topic that is not being used to its greatest capacity in on going recovery from chronic behavioral health conditions. The We Recover Together program is designed to help those with substance use or mental health disorders and their family/CSOs recover together AFTER treatment. It has three simple steps -- Self-Assessment, Engagement, Weekly Recovery Meetings

We Recover Together acknowledges that those with a disorder are at the center of all recovery related decisions and are accountable for updating family/CSOs on their recovery. The program reframes and energizes family/CSOs groups into a “recovery partnership” that leads to healing for everyone. It’s easy to follow online curriculum is designed to be used in a self-directed group setting that can start before treatment ends and be implemented after graduation or discharge.


  • #1: Maintain behavior change by helping prevent relapse and consolidating gains secured during treatment.

  • #2: Improve family/CSOs relationships by creating a safe space for members to hold themselves and one another accountable.

  • #3: Enhances family/CSOs happiness and functioning by offering love, companionship and a continuity of relationships with a positive history.


  • Practice living life with disorders, rather than struggling against the disorders.

  • Break the “nagging, pleading, threatening” family/CSOs cycle of recovery maintenance by

    providing increasing levels of independence and responsibility.

  • Make recovery feel doable by treating it as a continual process of improvement -- progress

    not perfection – that can be positively managed. Reinforces the importance of making and

    keeping daily commitments.

  • Encourage those with a disorder to develop and follow through on their recovery plan

    returning to full functioning incrementally and safely, and as quickly as possible after

    treatment. Family/CSOs suppling information that helps refine plans.

  • Learn about ongoing needs and how family/CSOs can respond in helpful ways to meet them

    e.g., financial, housing, transportation, etc.

  • Develop a family/CSOs “partnership” that addresses recovery related issues in an open,

    collaborative and caring manner. Communicating about warning signs and triggers for slips,

    lapses and relapse.

  • Helping people help themselves by gaining practical skills needed to stay in recovery and

    have a “life worth living”.