Work, Be Responsible
Recovery is a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live self-directed lives, and strive to reach their full potential (SAMSHA, July 2019). Recovery is not about getting rid of our behavioral health problems but seeing beyond them, recognizing and fostering our strengths, abilities, interests and dreams. This group has come together because each of us wants to be our “best self”. Sometimes this can be a hard, lonely journey.
As a group we will work together, learn from each other and give each other support. We will combine our faith, courage and ideas to help each other. We will talk a lot about becoming our best self and living a better life in this group. When we say our "best self" we mean getting help from our community, family, friends, and a power greater than ourselves to live a strong, balanced life. When we choose to become our best self, we care for our physical needs, social emotional health and spiritual life while finding ways to expand our knowledge. We are better able to give back and help others. Being our best self doesn't mean we will be able to get and do anything we set our minds to, but we can have a life worth living.
Each session we will combine our faith and trust in the group and a higher power with learning skills that help meet practical needs. All so we can become better. Life worth living groups work best when everyone is actively present; shares their ideas; completes the activities; loves and supports each other; works on their promises during the week, and shares what they learned in the next meeting.
Gratitude: Taking time every day to be grateful can help our health, relationships, emotions and happiness. Share something you are grateful for this week: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Discuss: Share something you accomplished last week because you used your time effectively. Write your thoughts.
Discuss: Can you share a story of how you or someone you know set a good example of hard work? Write what you learned from this story. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Read: We can only become our best self by working hard. Hard work and responsibility are not easy. In Jewish and Christian scriptures, we read, "By the sweat of your brow will you have food to eat until you return to the ground." (Genesis). Although hard work and responsibility are not easy, we also read promised, "Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand." (Isaiah)
Discuss: What would happen if you got everything you needed in life without working? Write your thoughts.
Take Responsibility Activity
Step 1: Read the A-B-C-D steps below.
A. STAY POSITIVE. Say what is going well in our life.
B. WE AREN’T ALONE. Ask friends, group member, and others for help.
C. CHOOSE FAITH, NOT FEAR. Believe things will get better. Our Higher Power knows us and will help.
D. WORK HARD, BE PATIENT AND HAVE COURAGE. Never give up! Work hard and choose to be kind.
Step 2: Describe something in your life that makes you feel like giving up.
Step 3: Review the four steps again and think about how you can work hard and take responsibility for what you described in Step 2.
A. STAY POSITIVE. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
B. YOU AREN’T ALONE. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
C. CHOOSE FAITH, NOT FEAR. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
D. WORK HARD, BE PATIENT AND HAVE COURAGE. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
Step 4: Choose two or three things from the four steps you want to do differently to work hard and show responsibility in your life.
Commit: This week I will:
___Focus on working hard and taking responsibility.
___Work with my Higher Power to finish something that has been hard or uncomfortable for me.
___Share what I am learning with my community, friends and family.